Never mind about whether Barry Hall should or shouldn't get another game for the Bloods. I don't care whether he never gets another game of AFL football full stop. But if I have to endure ONE MORE of Barry's 'dirty laundry' diary entries in the city's only broadsheet ... His thousand odd weekly words are an embarrassment to himself, to the club and to the integrity of Australian print journalism.
PLEASE support this petition to abolish Barry. Place a COMMENT below (don't be afraid, it's easy) and help condemn, to the pulp heap, the bleeding heart chronicles of a footballer we lost interest in a fair while ago.
I have always admired the Swans rumoured "no dickheads" recruitment policy and for a long time wondered how BBBBH slipped under the radar. Now there is light at the end of the tunnel. No more thugs please, clear the decks and bring on the young guns. Bye Bye BBBBH. Can we swap him for the Schniederman?
ReplyDeleteI'm still going to miss him. Big Bad Barry has been synonymous with the Swans. A true changing of the guard. I agree with Tipsy - he should never have been allowed anywhere near a pen, and Tipsy, you really shouldn't even use the words integrity and journalism in the same sentence as BBBH.
ReplyDeleteKate (who doesn't tip,but likes to watch)
Thanks for the comments N and K.
ReplyDeleteCan I just re-iterate that I am not calling for Barry to be sacked from the TEAM, just the newspaper space.
x tm
You just got your wish today. Unless he takes up commentating or footy journalism full time.....