Greetings Dreamtime Tiger Lovers et al.
We are making a very huge contribution to the AFL Indigenous Round this weekend.
We're fielding no black fellas, but we HAVE given Young Matty White the day off.
Very sensitive and respectful don't you think? And Jack Riewoldt will be appearing as a flying spirit from the Tasmanian Tiger Dreaming.
Oh yeah - we are also carrying an indigenous design on our guernseys for the game which you can buy, buy, buy from Tigerland.
There's a great Richo interview with the designer of the strip, Jirra Lulla Harvey, at Tigerland. MCG as traditional meeting place is one of my favourite concepts.
So what will happen this time around?
For the first time in so very many years, selections are being made on a who's not quite up to it this week basis, rather than the is anyone up to it this week basis. Seems we have choices this year, which is maybe gonna make players really value their spot in the team.
Coach Damo is forging some steel methinks.
The Coburg VFL Forge.
Young Ben Nason is on the sidelines just 2 weeks after having his golden dreads very publicly lopped for a good cause.
Those locks should have been a sacrifice to the Gods Benny!
Self image and personality-making takes your eye off the ball Benny.
Damo knows hubris when he sees it Benny.
Onya Damo.
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