As the cream starts floating to the top I've been wheying up and churning some well milked, cheesy thoughts about the maturing season.
The finishing posts have started to come into view, but don't peek too soon.
Since a near-perfect first quarter of glamour footy a few weeks back against Freo, Richmond have only been able to "win ugly" (5 from 6).
Fremantle are doing the same.
Bulldogs, Cats, Pies, Roos, Crows and Port have all been finding unexpected snakes on their ladders.
The Giant's Jack Steele has helped grow his club an unexpected beanstalk.
The Swans got thrashed by the Hawks this week when earlier in the season the Swans won well.
Complacency and consistency - you are only as good as your last performance, but don't peak too soon!
Injuries and suspensions and umpiring decisions can really turn a season from now on.
If you are laying an accidentally injurious bump on someone, don't peek at them too soon,
and if you are angry, please, no piquing, and certainly don't duck!
It's that thyme of the season(ing) and the chickens have started coming home to roast.
Backpocket, are you suggesting that the mighty Tigers are/were a meat & potatoes outfit?..and by chickens do you refer to Swans, Pies, Crows and Hawks? as for the herbs..must be about the Bombers??